Thursday, March 5, 2009

Autoresponders - How to Create an Autoresponder Email Campaign to Bring You Prospects and Profits

By []Connie Ragen Green

Creating an email campaign, also referred to as an autoresponder, can be very confusing when you are first starting out on the internet. An autoresponder is the email that someone receives when they sign up for a free report or something else, or when they make a purchase from someone's website or blog.

When you are first getting started online, you will want to give away some type of information in exchange for receiving a prospect's name and email address. You can give away free tips, a short report, or even an audio recording. The most important thing is to give away information that is valuable enough for someone to want to give you their name and email address in order to receive it.

Now you must have a series of emails in place so that they will automatically go out when the person first signs up. An autoresponder makes it possible for all of this to occur without you having to do anything. All you need to do is write and set up the emails to be delivered over a period of time. Once you have written these emails, the autoresponder is set up and will stay in place forever, unless you make a change to it in some way.

The first email you will write will thank them for signing up, or opting in to your list. You may include a link to the free giveaway in this email, or explain how they will receive it. This is also day zero in your autoresponder sequence.

On day two, which is two days after your prospect has signed up, write another email message. This message may ask the prospect how they liked your free giveaway, or may even direct them to a post on your blog. You are still getting to know each other, so don't try to sell them anything at this point.

I like to send out an autoresponder message every other day for about ten days. These messages will be filled with tips and other valuable information. Then I may direct them to one of my products or to an affiliate product. This will now get them used to the idea that not all of my information will continue to be free.

Marketing to a list of interested and highly responsive prospects will make you money. Periodically I also go in and read my autoresponder messages, and sometimes I change one or two of them to include additional information. This is the very best way to market to your list.

Download a free teleseminar on building your online business by visiting to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.
Connie Ragen Green has been online since 2005 and teaches people how to build their own online business in record time, offering free teleseminars weekly, as well as online courses in a workshop environment with webinars.

Article Source:

Autoresponders - How to Write Your First Autoresponder Email Campaign

By []Sean Mize

When I first began building my list and wrote my first autoresponder campaign, I searched high and low for easy to use information on how to build an autoresponder campaign and found very little that was effective. Sure, I found example after example of campaigns I could use as a ‘swipe file’, but nothing that really taught me the ropes.

So, I hope this helps you write your first autoresponder email campaign.

For some background, your email campaign must instill trust and yet begin to convert to sales immediately. Why? When someone first joins your campaign, they are most interested in what you have to offer. But if you bombard them with sales messages off the bat, they lose that interest in a hurry. So how do you do it?

Structure each email like this:

1st email: Thank them for subscribing, and give them the link to whatever incentive you offered to join your list.

2nd email: An informative article about the topic of your list. Include a link (no sales pitch) to your main web page.

3rd email: Another informative article about the topic of your list. Again, include a link with no sales pitch, to your web page.

4th email: Another informative article about the topic of your list. This time, not only include the link to your web page, but include this copy: to learn more about __________, click here:

5th email: Send a link to a free gift from you. This must be a genuinely free gift, no strings, no first free month, a genuinely free gift.

6th email: Another informative article, just a link to your site.

7th email: Your first actual recommendation: Keep it simple:


Dear {!first name},

Do you want to (topic of your list) better?

Check this out: (link)

Do you want to do (topic of your list) better than anybody else in your field?

I have discovered (created, found, purchased, etc.) the best method yet for (topic of your list)

(insert link)

Let me know what you think.

(Your name)

8th email: Another informative article.

Folks, this might sound simple, but just give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: []Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: []Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Article Source:

Five Effective Marketing Methods With Your Autoresponder

By []Radhika Venkata

Autoresponders send continuous and preloaded messages to your subscribers on any topic. These messages are called 'follow up messages' or 'sequential messages'.

Send affiliate lnks: Load your autoresponders with short reports. Each report should contain one of your affiliate links. These reports will be sent to your subscribers in the interval you specified. People who have downloaded the reports click on your affiliate links, goes to your affiliate product and may buy them. This is one way of using autoresponders in affiliate marketing.

Send your articles: If you are an article marketer, you must have been authoring articles in your niche. Load best articles of yours, like 10 or 15 in your autoresponder. Send them every 2 or 3 days. You can send these articles to ezine publishers, your subscribers or your clients who are interested in them. Of course use a resourcebox at the bottom of the page to your web site.

Ecourse: Ecourse is a short crash course on any topic. Your subscriber will receive a series of emails on any one topic instead of a variable content as in the both examples above. You will explain a problem and solution and direct them to the product that solves the problem.

Ask your affiliates to keep subscription form: You can ask your subscribers/affiliates to keep your subscription form on their site. The visitors of your affiliates subscribe and enter into your database, but receive email course with your affiliate's affiliate link. This way both you and your affiliate will be in a win-win situation. Your autoresponder should be able to do this in the background.

Send ezine: Most commonly people use the autoresponder to send ezines. You can send them as broadcasts or load the ezines on specific date while you are going on vacation. So your software send your ezine on the day you have scheduled it.


Radhika Venkata

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