Thursday, March 5, 2009

Five Effective Marketing Methods With Your Autoresponder

By []Radhika Venkata

Autoresponders send continuous and preloaded messages to your subscribers on any topic. These messages are called 'follow up messages' or 'sequential messages'.

Send affiliate lnks: Load your autoresponders with short reports. Each report should contain one of your affiliate links. These reports will be sent to your subscribers in the interval you specified. People who have downloaded the reports click on your affiliate links, goes to your affiliate product and may buy them. This is one way of using autoresponders in affiliate marketing.

Send your articles: If you are an article marketer, you must have been authoring articles in your niche. Load best articles of yours, like 10 or 15 in your autoresponder. Send them every 2 or 3 days. You can send these articles to ezine publishers, your subscribers or your clients who are interested in them. Of course use a resourcebox at the bottom of the page to your web site.

Ecourse: Ecourse is a short crash course on any topic. Your subscriber will receive a series of emails on any one topic instead of a variable content as in the both examples above. You will explain a problem and solution and direct them to the product that solves the problem.

Ask your affiliates to keep subscription form: You can ask your subscribers/affiliates to keep your subscription form on their site. The visitors of your affiliates subscribe and enter into your database, but receive email course with your affiliate's affiliate link. This way both you and your affiliate will be in a win-win situation. Your autoresponder should be able to do this in the background.

Send ezine: Most commonly people use the autoresponder to send ezines. You can send them as broadcasts or load the ezines on specific date while you are going on vacation. So your software send your ezine on the day you have scheduled it.


Radhika Venkata

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